Spring creeks fly fishing techniques

Spring creeks fly fishing techniques

Conquering Spring Creeks Fly Fishing Techniques Fly fishing spring creeks in Montana requires a fine tuning of skills and techniques. Although the general methods are the same across fly fishing, special attention to detail makes the difference between a successful or...
Fishing with Mom

Fishing with Mom

Mother’s Day is upon us and just like that May is almost half over. It’s amazing how fast the time slips away and all we’re left with is what we should have done. The busyness of life tends to eat up time in giant chunks leaving behind could of and should of’s. The...
COVID Craziness

COVID Craziness

2020 has not been normal. The COVID-19 craziness has slowed our guiding to a halt. Instead of inspecting the daily trout menu of baetis and midges, we’re washing hands and social distancing. Since the “flattening of the curve” and the phased reopening of the state we...