Montana Fly Fishing Guides
Montana Fly Fishing Guides | Nelson’s Guides and Flies
Our Montana Fly Fishing Guides offer some of the best fly fishing in the state. All of our guides enjoy teaching anglers from beginners to seasoned experts. If you’re a novice, our guides are more than willing to teach the fundamentals of fly fishing so you would be able to start enjoying a life-long hobby. For the elite out there, the guides are happy to show you around the waters and hopefully teach you a few new skills along the way.
Owners and guides, Tucker and Jacquie Nelson are extremely experienced and have fly fished the surrounding area extensively. They both specialize in spring creek techniques and can also share with you their river expertise while drifting Montana’s best fly fishing rivers.

TUCKER NELSON (Outfitter #11797)
Paradise Valley, near Livingston, MT has been the home of the Nelson family for generations. Tucker grew up on the the family ranch and learned to fly fish at a young age on the fabled Nelson’s Spring Creek. After high school in Livingston, MT, Tucker attended Gonzaga University in Spokane, WA. The trout streams of Montana eventually lured Tucker away from the promise of a high paying city job and he moved back to Bozeman and finished up his degree at Montana State University.
During his last year of college in 2006 Tucker began guiding fly fishermen on the Paradise Valley Spring Creeks and surrounding waters. In 2010 Tucker acquired his Outfitter license and now, along with his wife Jacquie, runs Nelson’s Guides and Flies and the S|N Fly Shop.
Tucker loves to fish and finds tremendous satisfaction in sharing this passion with others. When he is not guiding, he is either working on the family cattle ranch, or fishing with his wife Jacquie and two children Morgan and Ander.
Tucker has guided everyone from kids to anglers with mobility issues. He works well with beginners and really enjoys showing more advanced anglers techniques to improve their skills. He loves showing anglers around the local waters and sharing his passion for the sport.

JACQUIE NELSON (Guide #13391)
Jacquie Nelson grew up in Washington State and was always busy partaking in organized team sports, snowboarding, dirt bike riding, wakeboarding, hiking, hunting or just exploring the woods. That love for adventure and the outdoors led her to Montana State University to peruse a degree in agriculture. However, it wasn’t until she met Tucker Nelson her sophomore year in college that she starting fly fishing. At first, fly fishing was a way for her to spend time with Tucker, but it soon become a passion. Many weekends and times between studies were spend exploring the Gallatin River or fishing Nelson’s Spring Creek. After graduating college, Jacquie pursued her career in agriculture working as an administrator and coordinator for the local conservation district. Through her work, she learned the importance of conserving working lands and streams while collaborating with local landowners. As a way to supplement income, Jacquie began working under her husband Tucker and guiding fly fishermen on weekends and during vacation time. Jacquie quickly found enjoyment teaching others how to fly fish. Following the birth of their daughter Morgan in 2012, she left her daytime job and began guiding fishermen full time.
As a female fishing guide in a primarily male dominate industry, Jacquie tends to have to prove her fishing knowledge and skills as she competes with other outfitters and guides. She talks fishing lingo just like one of the guys, rows a drift boat down the toughest stretches of water with the best of them, and holds her own in all physically demanding situations, including guiding mobility challenged anglers. However, she has a soft side that beginning anglers, females and youth fishermen gravitate to and benefit from. Jacquie also enjoys teaching all of her technical fishing techniques to the detail oriented advanced anglers.
When Jacquie is not out on the water, you can find her entertaining her two energetic children Morgan and Ander and keeping the family business thriving.

ZACHARY PETRICH (Outfitter #49570)
Zach is a 6th generation Paradise Valley boy. Growing up and living on the family ranch, his interests include fly fishing, hunting and ranch roping. Zach grew up primarily fishing the Yellowstone river and its many small tributaries. Aside from his passion for wild streams and rivers, Zach also enjoys a technical, hatch based, brand of stillwater and spring creek fishing that entails precise casts to weary trout. While Zach finds other areas in the world thrilling to fish, his passion remains on his home waters where trout cannot resist the temptation of devouring large foam dry flies. Zach strives to teach his knowledge of fly fishing. A day on the water with Zach will give the angler a relaxing chance to enjoy their passion for trout fishing while practicing new techniques at any skill level. Along with the opportunity to hear about local history and events, Zach also enjoys sharing stories about his experience at home on the ranch.

JEREMY BROWN (Guide #15288)
Jeremy is hard working, fishy, and patient. He started fly fishing as a youngster on the tributaries of the Finger Lakes in Western New York. Since then, he has fished in many locations including Alaska, New Zealand, the Great Lakes, the Rocky Mountain west, and the Bahamas. He enjoys sharing his passion for fooling big sky trout with clients from all corners of the globe. A day on the water with Jeremy is sure to be a good time.

NOLAN MAJCHER(Guide #26765)
Nolan Majcher lives to fish. His fly fishing career started on the difficult wild trout streams of Pennsylvania. The wary trout of his old stomping grounds forced him to perfect his craft. To fund his fishing habit, Nolan worked for Orvis Pittsburgh as head casting and fly tying instructor. As an instructor he taught hundreds of anglers, both novice and veteran, proper technique.
Equipped with the knowledge to be an excellent guide, Nolan migrated to the fishing paradise of the Yellowstone Valley. His passion for fishing is contagious when spending a day on the water together. Clients love Nolan’s laid back nature and no nonsense approach to getting fish in the net.

EMILY STRAWSER(Guide #37355)
Emily’s interest in flyfishing started with a guide trip in Rocky Mountain National Park with her mother. Flyfishing quickly grew from a curiosity to a passion, and continues to intrigue her daily. She attributes some of her greatest memories & adventures to the sport. Her experience is derived primarily from Colorado’s freestone rivers, but her passion leads her to seek other regions and types of water. Among these, most recently, are Montana’s awe-inspiring spring creeks. Emily relishes in sharing her enthusiasm for flyfishing with others and exchanging stories.

MITCH HURT(Guide #6840)
Mitch Hurt has been a licensed fishing and hunting outfitter in Montana for over 20 years specializing in guiding on the spring creeks south of Livingston. He also spends many days on local stillwater’s and in Yellowstone National Park. A day spent fishing with Mitch is spent not only learning about fly fishing but also about the abundant wildlife and habitat one finds in the riparian areas along the creeks. Bird watching is one of his passions but he also has a keen interest in area history and geology which he loves to share with his clients. His wife Annie always sends lunches featuring fresh, organic and locally sourced ingredients when available. Everyday is a new exciting adventure spending the day on a stream or lake fishing with Mitch!

Lance Gray(Guide #26979)
Lance Gray, having grown up in Paradise Valley, Montana, has a thorough knowledge of local area waters. Lance has spent vast amounts of time fishing the Yellowstone and Boulder rivers, including streams in Yellowstone National Park, and is also very intricate in the Paradise Valley Spring creeks and private lakes. Lance has a true dry fly passion and loves to share his knowledge while putting his clients on fish whether as a beginner, novice, or seasoned angler. Having worked in restaurants, Lance’s shore lunch is never a disappointment.

Daniel Grabowski (Guide #30079)
Dan was born and raised in St. Paul, MN and began guiding fly fishermen at the age of 21 on Wisconsin’s trout streams. He spent the next four years guiding for Tikchik Narrows Lodge in Alaska’s Bristol Bay region chasing runs of King and Silver salmon and giant, native Rainbow trout. Dan moved to Livingston in the Spring of 2005 and has spent countless days since then guiding anglers throughout Montana on myriad rivers, spring creeks, and lakes. Dan married his wife in 2010 and they have been blessed with two beautiful children who keep them young and on the go. One of these years he plans to teach them how to row a boat so that one day he may be able to fish again!

Tony Follen (Guide #33581)
Tony was born and raised Minneapolis, MN. After years of fishing and hunting vacations in the west and retiring from another career, he convinced his wife they should move to Montana so he could guide. Tony is a passionate instructor. He enjoys helping anglers improve their fly fishing craft. In the off season, you can find Tony chasing upland birds with his bird dogs, hunting big game, and exploring the mountains with his wife.

Jan Axtell (Guide #30324)
Jan is a Father, Husband, Guide, and Hospital Administrator in Livingston MT. A self-described “Jackass Of All Trades”, he has guided trout anglers for 25 years in Wisconsin, Vermont, and Montana. He guides on the Yellowstone River, the Paradise Valley Spring Creeks, and in Yellowstone National Park. When not fishing Jan enjoys Nordic skiing, reading, wing-shooting over his pointing dog….and more fishing. Additionally, he enjoys tying flies for his clients, area fly shops, and his own fly box. He lives in Paradise Valley with his very loving and tolerant wife Vicki, his very sophisticated 11-year-old daughter Zoe, and their 2 dogs Greta and Rocky. He and his family operate Fin & Feather Enterprises together “in 3-part harmony”.

Dustin Gaines (Guide #30286)
Dustin made the permanent move from North Carolina to the Livingston area over 20 years ago. After spending multiple summers working in Yellowstone Park and for the Forest Service in the West Yellowstone area, it was a perfect fit. It was during his summers in Yellowstone Park he learned to fly fish. He enjoys sharing our local area fishing with clients, be it floating the Yellowstone or sight fishing on the spring creeks. Dustin’s laid-back attitude, cheerful nature and patience ensure an enjoyable day on the water. Besides spending time with his wife and 2 children, his passions include his dogs, fishing, and hunting. Dustin and his wife, Shannon also operate a hydroponic lettuce farm in the Shields Valley where he can be found in the off season.