Mother’s Day is upon us and just like that May is almost half over. It’s amazing how fast the time slips away and all we’re left with is what we should have done. The busyness of life tends to eat up time in giant chunks leaving behind could of and should of’s. The reality is time marches on, but we can make time for special moments.

Many of the special moments in my life have come while fly fishing. The shut down and lack of guide clients has offered time of reflection on the essence of fly fishing and the joy of sharing the experience with others. Sometimes our greatest challenges are lined with blessings if we take a moment to look.

The craziness resulting from the ramifications of COVID 19 has left little time for fly fishing. Between the ranch chores and trying to plan for an uncertain summer time has been fleeting. However, on Mother’s Day I decided to make time and take my Mom fly fishing.

When we teach fly fishing we start with the basics and hammer home the important details of casting, line management, hooking fish, and landing fish. Teaching Mom was no different. We were given a difficult north wind day with instruction starting in the yard. I taught the different casts which included how to manage the cast in a strong head wind. After an hour or two of instruction coupled with practice we were ready to walk down to the creek.

By the time we got to the creek we only had a short while to apply the newly learned skills before Mother’s Day dinner. After a dozen or so well placed casts along with some mending line adjustments Mom was hooked into a fish. The instruction paid off as she applied her newly learned skills while landing the beautiful spring creek brown trout. Little denounced to the fish, a snap shot in time of a special moment was taken. It’s a moment that will help us define the essence of fly fishing and the bond of a son and his mother. Hopefully everyone got something special out of Mother’s Day and were able to share in a moment during this unique time in our world. Fly fishing is a great way to make special moments happen.

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