Getting the Most out of the
Guide Day
How to Make a
Productive Guide Day
Learn basic casting skills beforehand
Communicate with guide what you’d like to learn
Don’t be afraid to ask questions
Be receptive to guide’s critiques and suggestions
Listen to guide’s local knowledge
Be self sufficient for when guide is with other client
The guide day is only so long and the less the guide needs to teach basic skills the more opportunities the client will have to be successful. There are many challenges throughout the day that arise when trying to catch trout and the more the client is prepared to meet the challenges the more opportunities the client will have at catching trout. If you’re a beginner we recommend taking a basic casting class before going out with a guide. However, all our our guides are excellent casting instructors and are willing to teach anglers of all ability levels when needed.
Communication with the guide is essential in getting the most out of your day. Let the guide know what you’d like to accomplish and don’t be afraid to ask questions throughout the day. The client should be receptive to the guides critiques and suggestions. The guide is there to not only make sure you enjoy your day, but also make you a better angler.
Our guides fish the area waters numerous times throughout the year. Take advantage of their local knowledge and listen to what they’ve learned throughout their experiences. What you learn through the guides expertise can make you a bett÷er angler on your own waters and also help you to become familiar with Montana’s lakes and streams.
A major challenge to guiding more than one angler is the time spent with each angler. When on two angler wade trips with a single guide make sure that you are self sufficient. Use the time spent without the guide to practice what the guide has been teaching and be ready to ask questions when the guides resumes guiding you. It is important when fishing with two anglers per guide to have a basic skill set so that you are able to perform by yourself while the guide is working with the other client.
Most importantly be ready with an open mind and go into the day with the attitude that it’s going to be a good time. The guide’s goal is to make sure everyone has fun and the guides will work hard to accomplish that goal no matter what the conditions are.